“Queen of skin and hair care”

“Queen of skin and hair care”

by Ankit Anand

Omega 3 is here!!!

We all know that Omega 3 has many benefits. Omega 3 is a skin and hair care queen. It is because the essential fatty acids in Omega 3 can take care of your hair and skin very well. There’s no exaggeration in saying that Omega 3 offers a number of benefits for your skin and hair. That’s why it’s exactly called the “QUEEN”. 

To understand how Omega benefits your skin and hair, you gotta read through the below points. 


Moisturises the skin: 

We all love that plumpness in the skin. But, how do we get it? 

…….*Omega 3 is your solution for moisturised skin.  

The essential fatty acids in Omega 3 give your skin the glow and moisturisation it needs.

Omega 3 regulates the skin’s oil production by giving the skin the hydration it needs. By regulating the oil production Omega 3 acts towards hydration and it also seals the moisture in your skin. This will help in the loss of moisture. 

Look at that, Omega 3 adds moisture and also seals your skin cells so that existing moisture is not taken away. 

How brilliant!

However, in order to see good results, it is recommended to include Omega 3 supplements in your diet at least for 2-3 months.

Protect you when exposed to the sun:

What happens when you are exposed to the sun?

A number of things can happen. We might get sunburns and there can also be a lot of internal damage the skin goes through due to the harmful UV rays. 

Omega 3 helps you protect the skin against the UV rays when exposed to the sun. This also reduces the risk of skin cancer.

Wow! Omega 3 seems to be a real pro!

Reduces acne:

Omega 3 plays a huge role in the reduction of inflammation.

Acne can happen due to a lot of external and internal factors. It is the inflammation of the skin that usually happens when the hair follicles under the skin are clogged. The surroundings can also lead to acne. 

Omega plays its role in reducing acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Including the Omega 3 supplement along with some lifestyle changes will only do wonders for those who have acne.

Omega 3 is a friend for those who all are suffering from acne.

Helps in Psoriasis:

Psoriasis is a serious skin condition where the skin peels off. It is going to help with psoriasis as Omega 3 enters the blood streams it ends up giving necessary lubrication for the cells of our bodies. This lubrication has healing effects.

Omega 3 has a healing effect on those who are suffering from psoriasis. Adding on to the lubrication that it gives, its anti-inflammatory property also reduces inflammation.

Increases hair growth: 

Many men and women have hair goals. It’s great to have hair goals but, are we on the right track to reaching them? 

Our queen Omega acts by reducing the inflammation of the hair follicles. 

Inflammation of hair follicles is one of the reasons why hair might fall. So, through Omega 3 hair is getting the nutrients plus the follicles are also healing because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Nutrients plus lesser hair fall will result in your hair growth.

I never knew that follicles can also have inflammation. Now that I know this, I am going to include Zero Harm’s Vegan Omega 3 in my life.

Research suggests that Omega 3 is proven to have a very positive effect on hair growth. 

Gives hydration to hair:

We know very well that our body needs hydration and hydration is the key for the body to function well.

How about our hair hydration?

Omega 3 supplies your scalp and hair with all the essential nutrients and keeps it hydrated.

Thicker hair: 

Hair fall is a universal problem. Just like the body, our hair also needs its dose of supplements, and including omega 3 can reduce your hair fall giving your thicker hair in return. A nutrient-rich hair starts growing well absorbing the nutrients it gets.


A study done in 2015 on a group of people has proven that omega 3 helped in hair growth. 90% of those who supplemented omega 3 felt that the hair became thicker.

Reduces skin ageing:

As we age, our skin ages too. There are ways we prevent our body and skin ageing. Workouts have a great effect on body ageing. They make you fit which in turn reverses your age.

Likewise, Omega 3 has essential fatty acids that can slow down the ageing process. Once the ageing process is slowed down, skin starts looking and feeling young.

For all those who want to look young, 

I think you got your beauty hack now.

Note that regular consumption of Omega 3 consistently is needed to observe good changes in the body internally and externally. 

Vegan Omega can help you in this direction as it is the richest form of Omega 3 with no side effects. Consuming vegan Omega religiously will do a lot of good for your body both internally and externally.

Get the queen home right away for amazing skin and hair.

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Omega and Hair health